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Welcome to JoyGi fansite! This is my special fansite for my lovely Joy and Seulgi from Red Velvet.
I'll share all about JoyGi in this website. Their photos, videos, their moments and anything about their cute interaction with each other. The source is from random fansite. But if i have time, i'll share my editing pictures and videos all about JoyGi in here too~ 
Hope you all will always give loves and big support for Joy and Seulgi! Have a nice day to all ChicBear Hunters!! ^^ gbu

Love and Peace,

 "When i was having a hard time during our training years, you taught me how to sing and tought me how to dance TT i'm really thankful~ Teach me more in the future, I Love You~~." - Joy

 "Joy is young but very mature so it was slightly hard to come near her. But as you can see, she’s a cute and lovely maknae~!!" - Seulgi

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